Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Happy Holidays to All

May the Light and Spirit of the Season bring you Peace and Happiness. Many Blessings are wished for the New Year!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Light, Love, and Laughter

May the Blessings of the Light of Chanukah shine brightly in your life. May the holiday light your way to Peace, Gratitude, and Vibrant Health.

Friday, October 29, 2010


Everyday I wake up feeling so grateful for all of the Blessings in my life. I set my Intentions to mirror those Blessings. Miracles happen when I am patient and let go. I chose to be centered, balanced and grounded in my body and being. The rest falls into place. AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
Many Blessings to all of you!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Workshop of One!!!

I attended an Ayurvedic/Yoga workshop last week. I was the only attendee, so it was like having a private lesson. I learned some good techniques and useful suggestions. Shadow Yoga was one of the techniques taught. I have to be careful not to move incorrectly for my body. Unfortunately, a wrong move set off a nerve reaction which was quite uncomfortable. But my PT's skilled hands resolved the problem.

Today I made a huge pot of Kitchari. I had soaked the beans for three days. It came out differently than before...very soft with a different texture...I think it is really yummy!  I froze many containers of it...very nourishing and comforting cold weather food!

Friday, October 8, 2010


I just read a 6 page piece on Empaths. I could relate to so much of what it said. It answers "why" questions for me about certain circumstances, likes and dislikes, and experiences. One of the suggestions to protect one's self and shield one's aura is to meditate. Some days I was having difficulty putting into words what daily meditation has done for me. But now I can. It has strengthened my shield...allowed me to have a stronger Aura when needed....grounded me....helped clear unwanted energy and thought picked up from others...and given me a sense of peacefulness that I have not known consistently before this practice. I am Grateful!!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

East Coast Frame

I have returned from Esalen with a grounded sense of unconditional love and nurturing. I am floating in a space of non-judgement....I feel like this is such a safe peaceful space. Now that I am back East I know I will need to be very conscious to check my thoughts and the places I expose myself to. How will I handle being around those who are judgemental? Can I maintain my need to be in neutral?
A friend asked me what I thought about something that another person was doing. I actually said:" I have no opinion"...and I meant it. It feels so good to not be attached to the need to be right. I am so grateful for my time in this space.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Travel on

I am preparing for a trip to Esalen in CA. I am so excited about being immersed in the wonderful energy there and the incredible learning that I will be part of. CranioSacral Therapy II  is a gateway to expanding my skills in the Healing process. I can't wait to be resonating on a high vibration in such a blissful space.
When I was there last December, I felt a shift that gave me permission to be who I am. It was so freeing and joyous. I am seeing the fruits of my actions! I can't wait to share my experiences with you!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Putting it all together

I love my morning routine. I practice RPM ( rise, pee, meditate )with a few other tasks thrown in before the M. It is what I do. It has become a part of me. My morning is calm and beautiful. I feel grounded and ready to start the day.

Today is the first day I did not do a guided meditation. I played some lovely chanting music and just followed my breath. I was surprised at how deep I was able to go without much mind clutter. I had some thoughts about time and how to measure it when meditating, but just went with the flow of the chanting.

I am learning that prayers and poetry can be very meditative to me. It is so much easier to get into that quiet space now that this has become a part of my life. I am able to pay attention to the messages of spirit. I feel a shift. I am grateful.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My Joys in life are many. My peacefulness and gratitude have grown in this journey. To know that I can choose grievance or miracle in any moment is such a Blessing.

My morning oil massage with coconut oil has been a Blessing.  I love to watch the oil become liquified as I rub it between my palms readying it for application. As it touches my skin it feels so nuturing and comforting. Much of the dryness that I had been experiencing is gone. And, no, I do not smell like a tropical coconut all day long. At first I did this very quickly. Now I spend more time in the application being more conscious and connected with the benefits. Its almost like an extension of my daily meditation.
How do you take care of yourself?

I wish you Self Care and many Joys!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Settling Down

Things seem to be settling down digestively speaking. I have to be prepared for off times because that is the nature of my system. I thought that if I changed my lifestyle, everything would change immediately. So there it is; another lesson in patience. I am becoming more comfortable with the idea that I can put out my intentions and take action. The result is not up to me. I just need to watch with patience as it all unfolds. When I practice this, the results are usually quite favorable. When I interfere or try to control, who knows what mess occurs!

Day 16 of the meditation challenge! I am very pleased that I have stuck with this journey. The benefits are tremendous. I am more patient and loving with myself and others. I have been able to detach from some stressful situations with a knowing that they will work out fine. Today's topic was about archetypes and identifying those that resonated with us on the physical, creative, practical and spiritual realms. I am so blessed to have so many people in my life that I admire close up, as well as those from afar that I have been exposed to. Who do you admire? What lessons do you learn from them?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What is going on????

My eating of only foods good for me (doshas and allergies) has been going well. I am incorporating the tastes and the agni building tea. I am eating my meals at scheduled times. I am having a lighter dinner most nights. What I am noticing is an uncomfortable feeling of fullness at night and a re-appearance of digestive symptoms that had gone away. I am perplexed.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Today I shall judge nothing that occurs...

On this 11th day of the 21 day meditation challenge, I have been challenged to judge nothing. I am to just observe...have no opinion...just let all be and float. WOW....when the judgement thoughts float in, I say...thank you, but please, I can not answer you today...This was an interesting experience while watching Meet The Press...  I will not judge my success or failure...I will spend the rest of the day practicing not judging myself or others...just being ...soaking it all in...and meditating again this evening to seal the experience.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Just Go Easy!

Some days it is so hard to stay in the Ayurveda zone. I don't get to bed on time, or I don't get to eat the lunch I have prepared, or my dinner occurs too late, or I didn't include all of the "tastes". I really feel the effects of being out of the zone. I am struggling with how to make these habits daily. My gratitude is focusing on the things I have accomplished each day, and that is helping with my perfectionism. So, I am meditating every day. I am using the neti or nasalium every day. I am oil massaging every day. I am so much more conscious of foods and eating patterns every day. ALL of that is a GREAT accomplishment.  I am learning to go easier on myself. So...just for your own best friend. Celebrate your accomplishments...and just go easy!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Kichari loves me and I am learning to love it. Even though it feels like winter comfort food, I am enjoying it this summer. Since adding it to my diet, my digestion has calmed way down...I guess I am building Agni and clearing Ama... who knew??? It needs another spice to make it more flavorful for me...can't decide what that should be...seems like more salt, but I don't like to salt my food (even with good celtic salt). Here's my recipe....what do you add? what would you suggest? What do you serve with Kichari?

3/4 C Basmati rice  rinsed several times
1/2 C split moong bean rinsed several times
1/2 tsp ghee
1 tsp cumin seed
1/4 tsp hing
1/2 tsp tumeric
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp chp fresh ginger
4 cups water
1 zucchini sliced thin
1 yellow squash, sliced thin
1 tsp ghee

Over medium heat, place ghee in pan. Add cumin. Stir til seeds pop. Add ginger and saute. Add rice, beans, tumeric, salt, and water. Bring to boil using high heat. When it reaches a boil, lower heat to low and cover pan. Let cook for 30 minutes.  While this is cooking saute zuchinni and squash in 1 tsp ghee. Turn off heat of rice and bean mixture and let sit for about 5 minutes.  Then add sauteed zucchini and yellow squash.
It freezes well too.

Have a creative time discovering the joys of kichari!


Sunday, August 15, 2010


What is perfect??? An evening with a cool breeze tickling my skin spent listening to music......a wonderful connection....time spent with loved ones...playing with children.....Ayurveda adventure!
I am where I am supposed to be...I am doing what I am supposed to do...I am having an easier time staying in the present for my meditation...mmmm

Friday, August 13, 2010


I've taken the challenge...a 21 day meditation challenge from the Chopra center. I'm on day 2. David G has such a calming and soothing voice...I have always enjoyed his guided meditations. As part of my morning routine of rising early, meditation calms me for the day. So far we have done a mindfulness meditation and a centering breath meditation. For me, the centering breath meditation has always given me the best results in calming the "monkey chatter." I wonder if my mantra from TM in the 70's will come back to me?
I've noticed that in rising earlier, I have the time to take care in the morning and do the neti and the oil massage. Adding the daily meditation and exercise/yoga will encourage me to rise even earlier. I seem to be sleeping better too! I am ready to go to sleep by 9:30 or 10:00 P.M. Also, because of this I am not wanting to watch TV. But after the summer, the best shows are on at 10:00. I guess I will either give it up or learn to DVR.
Have an ecstatic day!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Pitta, Pitta, Pitta me

Hi all. I am back from my trip. Lots of exciting news...Brad, my son got engaged!!!
How did I do with my Ayurvedic adventure you might wonder? Truth be told, I tried to fit in some of the new routine, but by the end of the trip I was anxious to get home. It definitely showed up in my digestive track.  The first thing I did upon return was to brew my digestive tea. This brew works wonders and I would like to share the recipe from my Ayurvedic class with you.

Fill a pot with water   (6-8 cups). Add @ a tsp. of coriander seeds, @  a tsp of fennel seeds, and @ a tsp of cumin seeds. Bring to a boil and let boil for 5 minutes. Turn off heat and steep another 10 minutes. Drink throughout the day and enjoy! I keep it in a thermal carafe. I love the fragrance of the herbs as the aroma fills my kitchen.

The extreme heat that we on the East coast are experiencing is kicking my Pitta. Much Gratitude for air conditioning. How do you cope with the heat???

Friday, August 6, 2010

Where are my Doshas???

I am off to the Beach and Philly....It will be a good experience to try these experiments while traveling...packed some things...hoping the rest will manifest....I hope my doshas show up!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Living in Bio-Rhythms

I know I can't keep a tune...but does that impact my rhythms??? So Ayurveda says to live in the Bio-Rhythms of nature. Well, I am getting up far I have pushed my rising time back to 6:30 A.M. which means I am going to sleep more 10:00 TV shows...actually, I have not turned on the TV in the bedroom since returning from Kripalu. Maybe I will actually remove it and be able to see the left side of my bureau!
What else am I doing? I am stretching and meditating every morning. This is start the day in a quiet rhythm rather than the usual A.M. rush allows me to be more conscious of my choices. There are so many wonderful guided meditation choices out there. I have been listening to Adele Linsalata, Kirtan Rabbi   (especially the "Shema"), and Deva Premal to name a few. I would love to learn about others that you have enjoyed. Keep the Light shining!!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Welcome to my Blog

I am so excited about being a first time Blogger!  I have begun a journey in Aryurvedics that I want to share.
I was recently a first time visitor to Kripalu in Lenox Mass. where I took a workshop entitled Ayurvedic Secrets. Now, I have always had an interest in alternative/complimentary health and have a fair amount of knowlege about herbs, aroma therapy, nutrition, etc. But I always felt that what I knew was taken from many different sources and traditions and not cohesive. Additionally, I was never quite sure how to apply this information to me. I had even done some reading about Ayurveda, but it was very surface information. After completing this workshop, I felt that I had found a system that made so much sense to me. There was a way to answer questions and tailor actions that were specific to me personally. I also learned that many things about me now made perfect sense when looked at through Ayurvedics. This information has also helped me understand the ways of others and be able to be more accepting. Wow, quite a way to begin this adventure. I will be sharing the changes I am making and the results I am seeing over the course of my writings(ramblings). I would love to hear from you, dear reader, about your experiences too!
Many Blessings,